We re-discover the park. This particular structure was enjoyed as a boat and a bus.

We find that we like wearing straw hats.

Even though the sun is blazing down on them, the Parental Units attempt to take two small children to an outdoor sculpture park--without a stroller. One child had a great time:

And, one child did not:

Young Master B re-discovered the promised land where the streets are paved with gold and everyone drives ride-on mowers. We call that magical place, Maryland.

Young Mistress Viv blew bubbles in the front yard.

After 23 years of deprivation, we witnessed Aunt Kara finally get an honest-to-goodness, store-bought birthday cake at Grandma Edie's house.

Grandma Edie even made an appearance, albeit a blurry one.

Back home, young Mistress Vivi took an alligator for a ride.

We held picnics with friends like Perri Party Pants.

Young Mistress Vivi finally transitioned to a more toddler-like bed. We had hoped this would encourage her falling to sleep in her bed versus being rocked to sleep. Hmmm...

Sitting on the yellow bench, Young Master B reflected on the fact that he liked the Warren Zevon version of Knockin' on Heaven's Door best of all.

We visited friends in Southold. Young Master B decided to marry Ella Bean (in the yellow dress). They do make a fine couple.

The miniature train in Greenport (few towns over from Southold) was not working, but Bert and Vivi made the best of it.

Vivi enjoyed paddle boarding and relaxing on the beach, where she whipped out her new sunglasses from Aunt Kara.

Not to be outdone, Bert put his sunglasses on at snacktime.

We rode the carousel - twice.

Back home AGAIN.

Arriving at the start of a massive heat wave in late July, Big Daddy rolled into town.